


How to Improve Ambulance Collection Rates

How to Improve Ambulance Collection Rates

The phone rings and you are dispatched to an emergency. No matter what the emergency may be, big or small, your job is to respond, assess and stabilize the patient for transport to the hospital. This is the life of an EMS worker. This is the responsibility for anyone agreeing to ride in that ambulance and save lives. However, this job can come at a cost. Typically, we’d like it to be through the patient’s insurance. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. All across the nation, officials are cracking down and asking our EMTs to improve ambulance collection rates overall. How do we do this when we are serving entire communities no matter what their circumstances may be? At Premier Collection Services, we can help improve your ambulance collection rates and increase cash flow back into your department.

Following up in a Timely Manner

Out of sight, out of mind. For most people that are utilizing a 9-1-1 call and riding in an ambulance to the hospital, the bill is the least of their worries. They are dealing with a medical emergency, after all. As time goes on and the healing begins, it can be hard to remember exactly what you owe and who you owe it too. Following up with your patient in a timely manner can be crucial when it comes to your collection rates. Let them know that there is a bill that needs to be addressed. Without proper awareness, your bill may fall to the back of the line in terms of priorities.

Allowing Easier Access

Research shows that hardly anyone writes out a check and puts it in the mail these days. While that should always remain an option, offering more opportunities for patients to make a payment can help with your ambulance collection rates. This includes paying and reviewing claims online via a credit card, paying over the phone or simply placing a check in the mail. Having these options will allow your patients many avenues for payment.

Helping your Patient

Sometimes the resources just aren’t there for your patient. They see the bill and put it to the side because they know that there’s no way they can afford it. In the same way we help our community when they are sick, assisting them with resources can be just as useful. If they need to enroll in payment assistance programs, give them resources and help them apply. Ultimately, this will help both you and them.

At Premier Collection Services, we understand that ambulance collection rates can be a difficult task to take on. That is why we are here to do it for you. Let us handle your ambulance collection rate so you can focus on saving lives. For more information, contact Premier Collection Services today at 864-918-0878.

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